BOUNDLESS at the LYNDON HOUSE ARTS CENTER in Athens 9.8.20 - 1.16.21

BOUNDLESS is an exhibition of artists defying traditional constraints of materials while addressing issues of memory, place, and language. Curated by Beth Sale in 2020, for the Lyndon House Arts Center in Athens, Georgia, BOUNDLESS features Don Chambers (image above), Derek Faust, Alex McClay, Katherine McCullough, and Paula Reynaldi.

Alex McClay, If Only, Thread, emergency blanket, fabric

We are living in a time when most of our society has acknowledged we can do better than this. We are questioning collective memories and histories, and toppling monuments that reflect stories we no longer want to honor. We are re-examining previous notions of gender and discovering multiple universes occurring simultaneously. We are all urged to imagine a different (perfect?) world. The artists in Boundless share their visions of possibilities by looking at the past with a new perspective, repurposing ordinary materials to create magic, or moving beyond prescribed arbitrary borders. These artists examine preconceived notions of memory, place, and language, and provide a sense of hope. Our current circumstances demand that we rethink every aspect of how we exist. When we cannot continue to move forward as usual, we must call into question every aspect of how we live. We are living in a time that is Boundless. - Beth Sale, Curator for Lyndon House Arts Center

Katherine McCullough with (left to right) Roomy, 2020, Braided wire, paint, nails; Reaching Tropical #1 - 9, 2020, Wood, paint; Evening Walk # 1-9, 2020, Paper, surgical mask, paint; Simple Melancholy 1 & 2, 2020, Paint on canvas; and Gist, 2020, MDF, paint.


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Figure Ground